Incredible slot canyons offering a unique and challenging trail for the adventurous hiker. While no technical gear is needed, this hike is not for the claustrophobic or heavy-bodied due to the narrow canyons. Start the loop by going up Peak-a-Boo Gultch (steep climb at the start) and end by going down Spooky Gultch as they are harder to scale in reverse. This hidden gem is an unbelievable experience but be prepared and know what to expect. Please don’t hike alone.
Location: Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument
Distance: 3.1 miles roundtrip
Difficulty: Moderate
Our Hike Time: 2 hrs, 50 min (2:10 hiking & :40 walking to/from parking lot & trailhead)
Route Type: Loop
Elevation gain: 488 feet
Trailhead: Dry Fork Trailhead
To access the Dry Fork trailhead, turn off Highway 12 at Hole in the Rock road. Take this road 26.3 miles to Dry Fork Road (takes roughly 50 minutes due to the dirt roads). You will come to 2 dirt parking lots: the 1st is 1 mile from the trailhead & the 2nd is at the start of the trailhead. The drive to the 2nd parking lot is long, dusty & bumpy and not recommended if your car sits low to the ground or is not good off-roading on a dirt road. Most people choose to park in the 1st parking lot and hike the 1-mile to the trailhead.
Costs: None
When to go: Sept – June
Dogs Allowed: Yes (but not recommended due to the amount of climbing & narrow spaces)
Permits Required: No
Where to Stay: Choose from the free campsites listed here.
Bring extra water but keep your bag small due to the narrow spaces
Watch out for Great Basin rattlesnakes
Don’t go alone. There’s no cell service & it’s hard to complete without the assistance of other hikers due to steep drops and climbs. (I’m 5’2’’ and couldn’t do this without assistance).
Be careful of flash flooding and slippery rock after rainfall. Bring rope if rock is wet.
This trail is NOT well marked. There is nothing to indicate the canyons & it’s hard to recognize the start of Peak-a-Boo Gultch from below because of the initial ~15ft climb to the start of the slot.
Make sure your car’s gas tank is full due to the remote trailhead
Drive a high clearance vehicle due to rough spots on the long bumpy dirt road. Check with the Visitor Center before driving to check the road and canyon conditions.
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